Therefore, we attach importance to the fact that participants in discussion and exchange of opinions have the possibility to express themselves freely. In order to ensure this, we urge you to formulate your contributions in a factual and constructive manner at all times, especially in the event of any differences in content or different points of view.
I. Disclaimer
As a matter of principle, all people are responsible for their own published contributions and their content. By posting a contribution on our social media channels, you agree that your contribution with your statements and content can be made permanently accessible to the public on our social media channels and can subsequently also be quoted. Contributions and content of third parties exclusively reflect their view and opinion. They do not necessarily reflect the view of our company.
II. Our rules
We have given our social media channels the following rules. We kindly ask you to observe and comply with them. In cases of violations, we reserve the right to delete / remove specific posts (also subsequently). If there are repeated or serious violations of our rules, we may have to exclude (block) people responsible for this from our social media channels. Such an exclusion (which may also be possible retrospectively) can be reversed if people distance themselves from their posts violating our rules in the long term and at the same time give us a credible assurance that they will only act in accordance with the rules in the future. Our measures, based on the principle of proportionality, serve solely to preserve our rules. We use them to exercise our virtual domiciliary rights on our social media channels. At the same time, we ensure free and constructive discussion and the corresponding exchange of opinions. “Censorship” therefore does not take place on our social media channels as a whole.
Molecular Health GmbH is a cosmopolitan, internationally oriented company. We therefore do not accept any form of discrimination and/or defamation of people and/or groups because of their origin, religion, nationality, culture, ideology, physical condition, sexual orientation or identity, gender, income, age and/or opinion.
Posts should relate to the topic. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove / delete “off-topic” comments. Discussion and exchange of opinions live from factual contributions. We do not accept irrelevant and/or personally provocative contributions. We delete / remove unsubstantiated allegations, suspicions and / or theories. This also applies to commercial messages, spam, election and/or party advertising, calls for demonstrations, campaigns and/or petitions.
After becoming aware of, we immediately delete posts with insulting, inciting, anti-Semitic, defamatory, pornographic, inflammatory, youth-endangering, obscene, vulgar, sexist and/or homophobic content. If necessary, we report certain serious cases to the relevant authorities in accordance with our duty to preserve evidence. If a post fulfills a criminal offense, we also reserve the right to file a criminal complaint after securing the relevant evidence.
We would like to give as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and exchange of opinions. Therefore, we favor posts in German or English.
We attach great importance to politeness, respect and fairness in our social media channels (as in real-world conversations). This also includes comprehensively protecting the personal rights of other people, their right to their own image and word, and other legal positions, including copyright. Please refrain from publishing contributions with personal data. Please also ensure that you have full legal authority to distribute the content contained in your contribution to the public on a permanent basis. When using quotations, please mark them accordingly. If your contribution contains a link to an external website, we reserve the right to check the linked content and (if necessary) to delete/remove the link or the entire contribution.